Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Does anyone else...

..have an evil genius for a child? I mean seriously, my son can be downright Evil to the point of me thinking "...there is no way in hell he is that smart, but there is no way in hell that was a coincidence.."

 He recently had a well baby checkup (he is 2, and a terrible 2 at that). I told the doctor "You know, I realize at this age, he is going to test his boundaries and want to explore his independence, yada yada .. But he can be so mean and angry at times. Is this normal?" She replied with, "Oh yeah. A lot of them can be that way, but you do realize what that means, don't you?" I shake my head, and start to think the worst. "That means they're extremely intelligent." Relief washes over me, but of course I question it with "How in the hell-?" " She said "They know EXACTLY how to manipulate you, push your buttons, yell and scream just the right amount to get anything that they want." Holy cow. This woman knows her shit. So, let me tell you just how "brilliant" my son is.

At home, my son annoys our cat. He is SO mean to this cat, that I am actually worried for her well being. Then, I don't feel so bad, because she goes right back to the abuse after saving her life every five minutes, the dummy. We are always telling him, "Don't hit, Gavin, Don't hit." "Don't hurt her." "Leave her alone.", so much that he has started to repeat it, sometimes even while pulling the poor things tail. He knows... He knows exactly what hes doing.

Thus, the story progresses to us shopping at the grocery store. While in the cart, he pulls things off the shelf he wants and will scream if I try to take it away. This time, he grabs the Chips Ahoy! Birthday Frosting filled cookies. Now I know for a fact, he will eat half of one, leave it in my shoe, then never eat another again. Which means I get tempted and eat the package by myself, and feel like a fatty for days. So I refuse. I take it away. Then, I have angered the beast. He wails. He screams, throws his fits. I don't concede. Then he pulls out the big guns. "Don't hit, Mommy!" I freeze in horror. "Don't hurt her, Mommy!"  At this point, everyone is looking at me in absolute disgust. Let me just say, I have NEVER laid a hand on my child that was meant in harm. I'm too soft and too much of a sucker for his cute little face to ever be mad at him. Unfortunately for me, he has figured that out.

Needless to say we walked (more like sprinted) out of that store, never to return, but also with those damn cookies. My son the evil genius..

Here's the culprits.

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