Thursday, February 26, 2015

Academy Awards.

Last Sunday night, the Oscars premiered. There's something about seeing all of your favorite actors and actresses in the finest clothing imaginable, all together, under the same roof, and rooting against each other. They are all also rooting for each other. You can see they all secretly want that golden naked man all to themselves, but when someone else wins it, their face gives way to their true emotions. The tight lipped smile, and half hearted clapping is fairly noticable, and slightly heart wrenching.

There are also joyful moments, like having Neil Patrick Harris walk out in his underwear to make an annoucement. Also, when the movie Big Hero 6 won an oscar for Best Animated Feature. The main reason I was happy was because a local band from St. Louis called Greek Fire had a song in there and it gave them some of the publicity they deserve. I also enjoyed seeing The Rock announcing the win, and even his corny jokes with Zoe Saldana. I got emotional, along with everyone else when they showed all of the people in the film industry that they'd lost this past year. I grew up with Robin Williams constantly on my TV screen. I also found the win  of the documentary, CitizenFour, about Edward Snowden interesting. Kind of shows you not everything in life is rigged. Or maybe it is. Who knows?

I loved hearing the winners inspiration stories about suicide and womens rights, which Meryl Streep wholeheartedly supported. For all of the people unsure of their place in this world, these people won for them. Then Birdman won Best Picture. Which suited me, I always like to root for the underdog. It was a good year for the Academy, I'd say.

Here's the song by Greek Fire that was in Big Hero 6.


  1. I, sadly, missed the ceremony this year. Awards show are my favorite...My name is Kassie and I am an I'm sure the dedication to the ones that have past was very emotional. We have lost some great ones this past year.

  2. I have never personally watched an award show for music or TV, but was extremely excited for Greek Fire. I stumbled upon them a few years ago and loved their music. I am glad they are finally getting some exposure!
