Thursday, April 16, 2015


So tonight, I'm going to my first ever PLAY OFF GAME!! I can finally be one of those people who says, "Sorry, man, can't work for you, I got play off tickets." HA! Anyways, play off games are the best because people who are already crazy Blues fans get permission to be even crazier. Last year we went to the rally outside Scott trade before the game, and then over to Ball Park village to watch it, and people were INSANE! They go all out and decked out and are vicious towards the other team, and the other team has fans in town so people fight with them. We took the metro over and were waiting with a man and woman who had Blackhawks jerseys on, and we were eyeing each other up, ya know talking shit. A few nights after I noticed something in the back of a picture my husband and I took together. Bastards photo bombed us. Gotta hand it to them, it was pretty funny. Thats actually one of the better parts of playoffs. You get the fun rivalries between teams. You also get to rally outside before hand and possibly win free stuff. Then if you actually have tickets, when you go in there is a free Blues rally towel on your seat with one of the players names on them. Every game has a different name. Speaking of players, Tarasenko is back in and Steen, so we have everyone available for play and miraculously not out for an injury. My husband is of course way more excited than I am though, being a raving mad hockey fan. Literally every week, he's buying a jersey from someone off Craig's List or a T-shirt on sale at a store. Guy can't get enough of it. So, look for us way up in the nosebleeds. I'll be painted blue, and my husband will be shirt-less... Just kidding.  But seriously, watch the game, give the guys some good luck, don't shave your beard or what not at all during playoffs, apparently that's a thing according to my husband. Game starts at 8:30!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Picky eaters.

I myself am one of them. I can't go to a restaurant without ordering something that has been taken off from or added on to my meal. I absolutely DESPISE onions with a burning passion, so much so that even if an onion has accidentally touched a part of my food, I won't eat it. I basically eat the same 10 meals in rotation, mostly soups, pastas, and vegetable casseroles. Then if its fast food, only pizza (Papa John's preferably), Taco Bell (adjusted to my liking, of course) and Chinese food (Fried rice and Lo mein only, occasionally crab rangoon on a good day). That's basically my diet, in all it's lacking variety. So why was I even shocked when I birthed a picky eater as well?

Little G-man takes the cake of picky eaters. He can like chicken nuggets one day, then be throwing them over his shoulder the next. Every feeding is a gamble; will he eat today? Or will he swat the food filled fork right out of my hand? Is he going to squirm and yell and fight me when I put him in his high chair or will he tell me "More green beans?" This kid just down right refuses to eat anything! If I didn't lock him in a high chair to hand feed him myself, I doubt he would ever stop to eat. His favorites include apples (BIG TIME), popcorn, Goldfish (what little kid/teenage/young adult/parent/old person doesn't love those things?) and cashews (random, I know). But the only surefire way to his stomach lies in the Golden Arches... Good old McDonald's. The french fries there must be addictive because any time we drive by one and he sees the yellow M, I hear "Burger and Fries? Want Burger and Fries." So how can I not give in? It's really the only thing he willingly eats all of.

I consulted his pediatrician about it and she told me "Really, at his age, he just needs to eat something. If that's what he likes and he's an active toddler, don't worry about it. He'll eat normal meals with you when he's older." So I felt a little better about my picky little one. Don't worry, I still make him eat healthy things, basically by shoving it in his mouth and distracting him with Sesame Street YouTube videos, but whatever works right?........Right?